“Animal welfare is the result of the positive outcome of the interaction between humans and the animals,” said Robert Hagevoort, of New Mexico State University during the monthly webinar
It came down to four Big 10 universities for the team title. At the end, it was the slimmest of margins. Coaches will tell students that every single point counts. And last night, it was just that close
An internship is where classroom learning and real-world experience meet. It’s a chance to “try on” a job and find out if a particular career path is for you
There are three national 4-H dairy contests held each year. The Junior Dairy Management contest held its 33th annual contest last week in Harrisburg, Penn
My daughter, Cassie, age 13, standing in front of one of the 9/11 memorial fountains during our trip to New York City in June. Earlier this summer, my daughter, Cassie, and I were in New York
At the Charleville Show in Killarney, which is in the Republic of Ireland, teams judged as a team – not as individuals. Each team was given four placings cards (one for each class)...
Who are you more apt to listen to? Your peer — A person who is going through the same experience as you, who is the same age as you, and who worries about that same things as you. Someone you don’t...